S1E9 - Bill McKibben - Renown Environmentalist - Reclaiming the Climate
Government, Climate & Environment Shannon Cooper Government, Climate & Environment Shannon Cooper

S1E9 - Bill McKibben - Renown Environmentalist - Reclaiming the Climate

Bill McKibben is a life-long environmentalist, activist, journalist, and author who has written extensively on the impact of global warming. In our conversation we review the significance of recent climate legislation, the technological alternatives to fossil fuels, and the ways and means currently at work to reclaim the climate – with special focus given to what the Baby Boomers can do.

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S1E5 - John McWhorter PhD - Linguist and NYT Columnist
Society & Culture Shannon Cooper Society & Culture Shannon Cooper

S1E5 - John McWhorter PhD - Linguist and NYT Columnist

John Hamilton McWhorter V is an associate professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University with a specialty in creole languages, sociolects, and Black English. McWhorter is also a major pundit on social issues, and currently a columnist for the New York Times. Our conversation is as much about the use of the language we use to exchange ideas, as about the ideas themselves.

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