Sign up for membership here and be part of the conversation

In our age of increased polarization, complex issues are often presented in stark, absolutist terms that gloss over important details and nuance.  

To combat this trend, “Grey Matter with Michael Krasny” has launched a member based community where you are invited to watch the interviews with leading opinion shapers and thought leaders live, submit questions, and engage in online discussions. Instead of only listening to interviews, you can be part of the conversation. 

Also, don't forget to follow the Grey Matter with Michael Krasny podcast here on Apple Podcasts to have the finished recorded audio podcast added to your playlist automatically.   

Membership includes

  1. Access to watch all of the Zoom webinar records live.

  2. Access to our application and live chat where you can submit questions to the guests before and during the live show.

  3. You will be added to our online community on our Discord server where you can interact with other members for more in-depth conversations around the episode topics, before, during and after the live record.

If you have any additional questions about membership, please feel free to reach out at Manage your account here.

We are looking forward to having you join us in the conversation!

-Michael Krasny and the Grey Matter team

Before you sign up, scan our Registration Tutorial to get an idea of what to expect.

Community Guidelines

At Grey Matter with Michael Krasny we value reasoned and elevated discourse about the nuance of challenging topics.  This is NOT a forum for flaming or trolling.  To this end, we established this evolving set of guidelines for our community that we ask everyone to follow on our online community platform (Discord) and on our question and answer tool (Mukana).

First, we’d like to clarify that your membership fee does not cover the month ahead.  It pays for the month that just ended, just like your water bill charges you for the water you used last month.  When you join, you have 30 days to cancel without penalty.  If you stay registered after the 30 day mark, your fee pays for the 30 days you just experienced. 

This is an important distinction because it allows us to turn off memberships for individuals who do not adhere to our guidelines.  There is no prorated refund required because no advanced fee was paid.  Someone whose membership is turned off half way through the month for violating the community guidelines essentially receives that half-month for free.  This is a small price for us to pay in order to maintain civility, and create a safe space for discussion.

(One parenthetical comment about the online community platform that we use.  It is named “Discord” which is ironically the opposite of what we are striving to accomplish.  It was originally developed for gamers, but it is frequently used by the mainstream now as well.  Our earliest community members were heavy users of the Discord platform, and cultivated significant camaraderie and enrichment despite the name. For those who are unfamiliar with it, it is similar to Slack, which became a popular alternative communications platform to email.)

Our guidelines are:

  • Use your real name as your nickname in the Discord server.

  • Add your location after your name, and use an actual portrait photo for your profile.  (This is appreciated but not required.)

  • Do not use an offensive or adult-themed profile image.

  • Do not use any expletives, or foul language, or offensive or adult images in comments on Discord nor in questions posed to our guests in Mukana.

  • Do not vilify, insult, attack or belittle anyone or any group, directly or indirectly. 

  • It is acceptable to agree to disagree in the interest of maintaining civility, and move on.

  • Please practice humility, civility, respect, and curiosity.  

  • We will exercise our discretion in enforcing these guidelines.

  • We reserve the right to remove members if we deem the fit is not right. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.  We hope that with these guidelines we will foster constructive dialogue and mutual respect.

Thank you,

The Grey Matter Team